Personal loans are popular for various financial needs. They usually do not require collateral, making them appealing. This has boosted the personal loan market in Indian banks, especially private ones. Banks attract customers with perks like pre-approved loans, less paperwork, and higher credit limits. However, it is vital to consider […]

If you are in business, you know that it is important to understand how your business is performing. In order to do that, you need some way to keep track of and interpret the numbers that go along with your business. This is where accounting and financial management come into […]

Becoming efficient and wealthy will require the use of personal finance services and professional help to manage your finances effectively at some stage in your life. Managing your savings and Investment plans, debt management, taxes and money are all part of financial administration that can be overwhelming. There are times […]

A guide to many of the terms used in the consumer finance market. A Acceptance Rate – The percentage of customers that are successful when applying for a loan or credit card. 66{da74ea48cec7d1c659e4125ffe517180d7bd6cbbe5631d32f11d21c45900f39b} or more applicants must be offered the advertised rate know as the Typical APR (See ‘Typical APR’ […]

Generally speaking, when it comes to women and divorce, financial preparedness is the key to an easy divorce… or at least as close to it as you can get. It may be true that men may find themselves set back, financially, after a divorce. This is why there are attorneys […]