Wealth Management Process

Ascertain Objectives

Together with BWM Wealth Manager, potential clients will discuss wealth management targets they wish to attain in the future, the comprehensive discussion will be on potential client’s financial goal in their retirement period, the number of children they wish to send abroad or enroll to local universities for their higher education, annual family vacation plan, types of investments suitable with their risk profile, a more efficient tax management, life insurance, possessed alternative investments, etc.

At the start of this discussion, BWM potential clients may request suggestions on types of mutual funds, top-of-class properties, traded stocks that have the best return and consistent for the past 5 – 10 years, also hedging methods that are applicable for their wealth through various investment instruments, derivative products and insurance.

Determine Strategy

After an in-depth discussion and analysis of potential client’s wealth management plan, BWM Wealth Managers will conduct a internal meeting in BWM Global division. Where the wealth managers perform a comprehensive discussion, analyze stock prices, mutual funds, match risk profile with appropriate investment instrument, and make wealth accumulation calculation with its protection so as to ensure the achievement of potential client’s future goals

Implement Solution

After all of client needs, want and expectation has occur, BWM’s Wealth Managers will propose the best choice for client’s wealth plan, along with the strategy, proper financial and physical asset instruments is the key point to reach the goal. We explain the strategy of growth and accumulation, preservation and protection, distribution and transition of the clients’ wealth. To implement the wealth and investment plan, the client might signs the Costumer Agreement form and we will implement it through the best of financial institution companies.

Evaluate Developments

Following the approval of the wealth and investment plan, the clients will be guided on how to allocate their funds and implement their future wealth plan. Having been appointed as the wealth manager, BWM will monitor the wealth plan implementation all year long, also arranging an evaluation for the clients at the end of the year.

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Management Skills - How to Deal With Attitude Problems

Sat Nov 4 , 2023
Some managers think attitude problems in their employees cannot be measured and therefore there is nothing that can be done. Wrong! Once you have renamed those problems as professional behaviors, you can define them, measure them, include them in job descriptions and even fire people with them! You know the […]

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