Can you imagine living the life of a successful car salesman? You get to dress nice, you make 100K a year and you drive a brand new demonstrator car. Sounds pretty good doesn’t it? It’s not a pipe dream it’s reality for many car sales professionals. There is only one […]
Month: July 2022
Subscriptions to mobile services had already crossed the four billion mark by the end of 2008, and are expected to reach out to about six billion users. This makes advertising via mobile services a very efficient medium. Marketing experts believe that the future of advertising and marketing will be through […]
Retirement can seem impossibly far away for many people, and, as a result, they do not plan financially for it. More than one-third of Americans have no money saved for their retirement. Many of these people with no savings work in jobs that offer 401k’s, which allow people to invest […]
All great brands have one thing in common, an intense understanding that it is all about the customer. Ultimately, branding is the process of defining your reputation in the mind of the consumer. This perspective is often the difference between a thriving and a dying brand. Some brands create “Signature […]
Apple products are truly iconic, commanding a loyal customer base unheard of in electronic devices. There’s something about the whole product that keeps the bond going strong – the look, the features etc. The applications featured on an iPad have been atypical from the regular android app. It is only […]
If your business is heavily web-based, then you’re surely already aware of the Internet’s potential for reaching an international audience and for reaching it quickly via on-line advertising. To cater for your international customers, you’ll probably have your web site translated into the major languages spoken in the markets you […]
One problem is promoting an ethical culture is often interpreted so that the tactic of “defend and extend” is considered to be the sole criterion for ethical leadership (Hartung, 2009). In his new book, Create Marketplace Disruption, Adam Hartung points out that success in the corporate setting is based on whether you […]
With all the different types of tax, it’s no wonder people would regularly consult with a tax planning lawyer to help them strategize how to minimize their tax liability. In Canada, taxes, tariffs, and duties are collected by different levels of government to fund their programs and services. The three […]
Knowing income tax law is not enough. In order to offer value to taxpayers, tax law knowledge must be combined with effective tax planning strategies in order to yield maximum benefit. What would you do if you owned a landscaping business with the upcoming facts and circumstances? I will tell […]
Question: With great power, comes great responsibility. But what happens if those with the power to ensure stringent corporate governance, bends the rules to attain his personal goals or returns a friend’s favor, that conflicts with the company’s well-being. If a non-[profit] executive director, who is heading the Audit Committee […]